Thursday 10 March 2016



There are a lot of definitions of travel in this universe. According to the Oxford Dictionary, the definition of travel is: to make a journey, typically of some length.

Some people might agree with this definition, others might feel some extra explanation is needed about travel. All in all, I think that definition of travel is vague for a certain reason. Travel certainly means different to everyone based on their experience life and whatever it may mean to you that is what it really means. There is now right or wrong answer about it.

Some people might think you have to leave your own place or maybe country to travel or you must be away for certain period of time.
Most of the people went for a vacation or travelling when they are able to get a long period of break. People prefer to go travelling when they were on a long break because they want to appreciate every single moment they spend during their holiday as it was precious time that they rarely get the chances. Travelling or vacation can also take place in Malaysia where there a lot of interesting places that people can choose to explore the nature by their own. Furthermore, there are 14 states in Malaysia which each state have their own specialties and uniqueness to offer to the people. Stay tuned!

      (states in Malaysia)


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